Namespace: Rx::LFR – Class: CExport – Header: Rx.LFR/Export.h

CExport::SavePointListCSV Static Method

static void SavePointListCSV(const CRxString& file, const CRxImage& imageDepth3D, bool includePixelPosition, const double* pdCropXY)

Writes to file CSV. The data is arranged as: "X;Y;Z;4C;PX;PY" or "X;Y;Z;4C" depending on includePixelPosition.


[const CRxString&] file

The file name.

[const CRxImage&] imageDepth3D

The 3D depth image. Must be of type RGBA float.

[bool] includePixelPosition

True to save the mesh in virtual depth units instead of metric units.

[const double*] pdCropXY

(Optional) Pointer to 4 double values defining a mesh crop in X and Y. The values must be given in percentage of the image dimension in the order: Left, Right, Top, Bottom.