Namespace: Rx.LFR.Net – Assembly: Rx.LFR.Net

EWavefrontCalibrationParam Enumeration

public enum EWavefrontCalibrationParam

Specifies parameters used by Rx.LFR.Net.IParameters returned by Rx.LFR.Net.WavefrontCalibration.GetParams.



Invalid or unknown parameter state.


This option configures the internal solver to estimate all parameters at once, else the solver estimates 5 groups of parameters subsequently. First the lens vertex then the beam radius, after that the wavefront and lastly the MLA Residual polynomials. To refine the calibration a full calibration is done after the separate group calibration. Therefore activating this option leads to a much faster calibration process (unsigned,[0,-]:0, RW).


Check gradients while iteration. Activating this option can lead to better results. By activating this option the calibration will be much slower (unsigned,[0,-]:0, RW).


Setting "EnableIntermediateIteration" to 1 enables the use of a non-linear generalization Algorithm. This version has a higher iteration complexity, but also displays better convergence behavior per iteration. By activating this option the calibration will be much slower (unsigned,[0,-]:0, RW).


Which minimizer should be used in the internal solver 0 = Trust region , 1 = Line search. Trust Region The trust region approach approximates the objective function using using a model function (often a quadratic) over a subset of the search space known as the trust region. If the model function succeeds in minimizing the true objective function the trust region is expanded; conversely, otherwise it is contracted and the model optimization problem is solved again.

Line Search The line search approach first finds a descent direction along which the objective function will be reduced and then computes a step size that decides how far should move along that direction.The descent direction can be computed by various methods, such as gradient descent, Newton's method and Quasi-Newton method. The step size can be determined either exactly or inexactly (unsigned,[0,-]:0, RW).


Which minimizer should be used in the internal solver 0 = Levenberg Marquardt , 1 = dogleg Levenberg-Marquardt The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm[Levenberg][Marquardt] is the most popular algorithm for solving non-linear least squares problems.It was also the first trust region algorithm to be developed[Levenberg][Marquardt]. Dogleg Another strategy for solving the trust region problem(3) was introduced by M.J.D.Powell. The key idea there is to compute two vectors (unsigned,[0,-]:0, RW).


These solvers are for general rectangular systems formed from the normal equations A'A x = A'b. They are direct solvers and do not assume any special problem structure. Solve the normal equations using a dense Cholesky solver; based on Eigen.

DENSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY (0) Solve the normal equations using a dense QR solver; based on Eigen.

DENSE_QR (1) Solve the normal equations using a sparse cholesky solver; requires SuiteSparse or CXSparse.

SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY (2) Specialized solvers, specific to problems with a generalized bi-partitite structure. Solves the reduced linear system using a dense Cholesky solver; based on Eigen.

DENSE_SCHUR (3) Solves the reduced linear system using a sparse Cholesky solver; based on CHOLMOD.

SPARSE_SCHUR(4) Solves the reduced linear system using Conjugate Gradients, based on a new Ceres implementation. Suitable for large scale problems.

ITERATIVE_SCHUR (5) Conjugate gradients on the normal equations. CGNR (6) (unsigned,[0,6]:1, RW).


Number of calibration iterations (unsigned,[0,200]:100, RW).


An enum constant representing the LUT bandwidth option (unsigned,[0,1000]:0, RW). 0 Disables the bandwidth.


An enum constant representing the calibrate global mla tilt option. (unsigned,[0,1]:1, RW).


An enum constant representing the calibrate field curvature option. (unsigned,[0,1]:1, RW).


An enum constant representing the calibrate spherical aberration option. (unsigned,[0,1]:1, RW).


An enum constant representing the calibrate micro lens distortion vertex option. (unsigned,[0,1]:1, RW).


An enum constant representing the calibrate MLA radial distortion option. (unsigned,[0,1]:1, RW).


An enum constant representing the calibrate sagittal tangential oblique spherical aberration option. (unsigned,[0,1]:1, RW).


An enum constant representing the calibrate cubic line coma option. (unsigned,[0,1]:1, RW).


An enum constant representing the calibrate coma option. (unsigned,[0,1]:1, RW).


An enum constant representing the calibrate astigmatism option. (unsigned,[0,1]:1, RW).


An enum constant representing the calibrate tilt option. (unsigned,[0,1]:1, RW).


An enum constant representing the calibrate global astigmatism rotation option. (unsigned,[0,1]:1, RW).


An enum constant representing the calibrate global astigmatism option.(unsigned,[0,1]:1, RW).