Namespace: Rx – Header: Rx.Core/ECamProperty.h
ECamProperty Enumeration
#include "Rx.Core/ECamProperty.h"
enum class ECamProperty
Specifies camera property IDs that can be used for getting and setting camera properties.
None |
Invalid state. |
InternalModelName |
The internal model name of the hardware. |
InternalSerialNr |
The internal serial number of the hardware. |
VersionFirmware |
The firmware version of the hardware. |
RaytrixModelName |
The raytrix model name. |
RaytrixSerial |
The raytrix serial number. |
Temperature |
The current temperature of camera. |
DriverName |
The raytrix camera type name. E.g. 'TypeD' or 'TypeE'. |
HardwareID |
The unique hardware ID. |
SensorWidth |
The effective width of the sensor in pixels (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RO). |
SensorHeight |
The effective height of the sensor in pixels (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RO). |
DriverVersionString |
A driver version string. This is currently the one-digit DLL name version (string,[-,-]:-,RO). |
IsInitialized |
Returns (1) if the camera has been initialized. Returns (0) otherwise. (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RO). |
IsConnected |
Returns (1) if the camera is connected. Returns (0) otherwise. (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RO). |
IsOpen |
Returns (1) if the camera has been opened. Returns (0) otherwise. (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RO). |
IsCapturing |
Returns (1) if the camera is currently capturing images. Returns (0) otherwise. (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RO). |
IsColor |
Returns (1) if the camera has a color or a bayer pattern sensor. Returns (0) otherwise. (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RO). |
IsBayer |
Returns (1) if the camera has a bayer pattern sensor. Returns (0) otherwise. (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RO). |
TriggerMode |
Property for getting and setting the video mode. The supported modes are listed in Rx.Net.ECamTriggerMode. |
IsSuspended |
Returns (1) if the camera capturing has been suspended. Returns (0) otherwise. (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RO). |
Exposure |
Property for getting and setting exposure of camera. |
Framerate |
Property for getting and setting frame rate of camera. |
ActualFramerate |
Property for getting current acquisition frame rate. |
PixelClock |
Property for getting and setting PixelClock for IDS Cameras. |
VideoBufCnt |
Property for getting and setting the number of video buffers. |
NvidiaGpuDirectEnabled |
Enable (1) or disable (1) this property to enable or disable NVIDIA GPUDirect. If enabled, the returned image data pointer has been allocated via cudaHostAlloc with cudaHostAllocPortable and cudaHostAllocWriteCombined. Camera must be stopped to change this value (unsigned,[0,1]:0,RW). |
Gain |
Property for getting and setting global gain value of camera. |
GainRed |
Property for getting and setting red gain value of camera. |
GainGreen |
Property for getting and setting green gain value of camera. |
GainBlue |
Property for getting and setting blue gain value of camera. |
TapBalance |
Property for getting and setting TapBalance. |
TapBalanceMode |
Property for getting and setting TapBalanceMode. |
OffsetX |
The X pixel position on the sensor where the captured image starts. This is silently clamped to its valid range and adapts OffsetWidth if necessary (unsigned,[0,-]:0,RW). |
OffsetY |
The Y pixel position on the sensor where the captured image starts. This is silently clamped to its valid range and adapts OffsetHeight if necessary (unsigned,[0,-]:0,RW). |
Width |
Width of the image provided by the camera (in pixels). This feature takes into account horizontal binning, decimation, or any other function changing the maximum horizontal dimensions of the image (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RO). |
Height |
Height of the image provided by the camera (in pixels). This feature takes into account vertical binning, decimation, or any other function changing the maximum vertical dimensions of the image (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RO). |
Bitdepth |
Property for getting and setting the bit depth of the acquisition image. |
OffsetWidth |
The width in pixels on the sensor where the captured image ends. This is silently clamped to its valid range and adapts OffsetX if necessary (unsigned,[OffsetStepX,SensorWidth]:SensorWidth,RW). |
OffsetHeight |
The height in pixels on the sensor where the captured image ends. This is silently clamped to its valid range and adapts OffsetY if necessary (unsigned,[OffsetStepY,SensorHeight]:SensorHeight,RW). |
OffsetStepX |
The step size of OffsetX in pixels. OffsetX and OffsetWidth must be a multiple of this value (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RO). |
OffsetStepY |
The step size of OffsetY in pixels. OffsetY and OffsetHeight must be a multiple of this value (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RO). |
AutoLuminanceMode |
Property for getting and setting auto luminance mode of camera. |
AutoExposureMode |
Property for getting and setting auto exposure mode of camera. |
AutoGainMode |
Property for getting and setting auto gain mode of camera. |
HasMainLensControl |
Property for getting availability of a software controllable main lens. |
Focus |
Property for getting and setting Focus. |
Iris |
Property for getting and setting Iris. |
IrisFValue |
Property for getting and setting IrisValue. |
PIVMode |
Property for getting and setting PIV mode. [unsigned] [0,1]. |
TapGeometry |
Property for getting and setting the board topology. |
GrabberBoardID |
DEPRICATED: The identifier of the grabber board. |
GrabberPortIdString |
A string representing the camera link port ID of the grabber or the camera link camera. Example: "EURESYS#Euresys Grablink Full#0". |
SourceImageFolder |
The current source image folder of the virtual camera. |
ImageFileReadMode |
Read mode of image files of the virtual camera. |
VirtualCameraImageCacheSize |
TypeV: Defines the number of image files that are hold in CPU RAM to reduce the time spent on IO operations. The cache is NOT used when it's too small to hold all images inside the folder (unsigned,[0,-]:10,RW). |
VirtualCameraLoopMode |
TypeV: The behavior of the camera after the last image of the folder has been captured (enum,[Rx::ECamLoopMode]:Rx::ECamLoopMode::Loop,RW). |
VirtualCameraLoopDelayMs |
TypeV: Defines the time in milliseconds between the last image file and the following first image file when VirtualCameraWrapImageIndex is enabled. This time does NOT includes the configured time (Framerate) between two images (unsigned,[0,-]:0,RW). |
VirtualCameraResetImageIndexOnStop |
TypeV: Enables (1) or disables (0) the reset of the current image file index on StopCapture. If enabled, the image file index is set to the first image file after StopCature has been called (unsigned,[0,1]:1,RW). |
VirtualCameraPrecacheFiles |
TypeV: Enables (1) or disables (0) the asynchronous pre-caching of all image files (up to VirtualCameraImageCacheSize files) when calling Open (unsigned,[0,1]:0,RW). |
VirtualCameraSortByName |
TypeV: Sorts the folder images by name (1) or by time (0) (unsigned,[0,1]:1,RW). |
VirtualCameraImageIndex |
TypeV: The current image index (unsigned,[0,-]:0,RW). |
VirtualCameraNumImages |
TypeV: The total number of images located in the image folder of the camera (unsigned,[0,-]:-,RO). |
VirtualCameraNumImagesCached |
TypeV: The total number of cached images (unsigned,[0,-]:-,RO). |
VirtualCameraCacheImageByIdx |
TypeV: Reads the image with the given index from disk and stores it in the cache (unsigned,[0,VirtualCameraNumImages]:-,WO). |
ExternalTriggerMode |
Mode of the external trigger. The supported modes are listed in Rx.Net.ECamExtTriggerMode. |
ExternalTriggerSource |
The source of the external trigger. This defines which IN signal is used to trigger the camera. Is only applied after starting the camera stream (unsigned,[-,-]:-,RW). |
ExternalTriggerPolarityPositive |
The polarity of the external trigger signal. The camera is triggered on a positive signal (1) or on a negative signal (0). (unsigned,[0,1]:1,RW). |
HasIPConfig |
Is true if a valid IP interface is available. |
GlobalStart |
Feature for R42 cameras to start capturing on all lines at the same time. Module cameras use their shutter in this mode. |
StrobeOn |
Turn off/on strobe. 0 = strobe off, 1 = single strobe on [d1 and L1 only], 2 = dual strobe on [(int)(RW)(always)(R42)]. |
StrobeLength1 |
Represents length of the first pulse. Valid values: depends on resolution [(double)(RW)(always)(R42)]. |
StrobeLength2 |
Represents length of the second pulse. Valid Values: 0 to 3.413ms, 52.083ns step size [(double)(RW)(always)(R42)]. |
StrobeDelay1 |
Represents length to the first pulse. Valid Values: 0 to 3.413ms, 52.083ns step size [(double)(RW)(always)(R42)]. |
StrobeDelay2 |
Represents length to the second pulse. Valid Values: 0 to 3.413ms, 52.083ns step size [(double)(RW)(always)(R42)]. |
BinningMode |
Set the Binning mode to 0 = averaging (default) or 1 = additive binning [(int)(RW)(always)(R42)]. |
FrameGrabberStrobeOn |
Enable (1) or disable (0) the strobe output channel of the frame grabber. Only available in external trigger mode (unsigned,[0,1],RW). |
FrameGrabberStrobeLength |
The length of the strobe signal given in percentage of the camera exposure time. A value of 50 % means that the duration of the strobe pulse is half the duration of the exposure period. (unsigned,[0,100],RW). |
FrameGrabberStrobePosition |
The position of the strobe signal given in percentage of the strobe length. A value of 0 % establishes the earliest position. A value of 100 % establishes the latest position. A value of 50 % means that the strobe pulse is located in the middle of the exposure period. This parameter refers to the middle of the strobe pulse (unsigned,[0,100],RW). |
DvsAccumulationFunction |
Supported Values: 0 = Latest Event, 1 = Linear, 2 = Quadratic, 3 = Count (unsigned,[0,3]:0,RW). |