CRxMAC Class
#include "Rx.Core/RxMAC.h"
class CRxMAC
Provides data and methods for processing a MAC address.
CRxMAC() | Default constructor. |
CRxMAC(u64MAC) | Constructor with unsigned as MAC initialization. Interpreted in the way, that the first byte is oriented to the right: 0xAA BB CC DD EE FF --> This would be FF:EE:DD:CC:BB:AA. |
CRxMAC(xMAC) | Constructor with a CRxString as initialization. Expected is a string with hex values separated by ":". |
CRxMAC(xMAC) | Copy constructor. |
Set(sMAC) | Sets the given string as new MAC. See comment for CRxMAC(const CRxMAC& xMAC). |
Set(u64MAC) | Sets the given unsigned __int64 as new MAC. Interpreted in the way, that the first byte is oriented to the right: |
Get() | Gets the MAC represented as an unsigned __int64 value. To be interpreted in the way, that the first byte is oriented to the right: |
GetRef() | Gets the reference to the unsigned __int64 member that contains the MAC address. |
ToString() | Convert this CRxMAC into a string representation. |
operator[](uIdx) | Array indexer operator. |
operator[](uIdx) | Array indexer operator. |
operator==(xOther) | Equality operator. |
operator!=(xOther) | Inequality operator. |