Namespace: Rx::LFR – Class: CApiLF – Header: Rx.LFR/ApiLF.h

CApiLF Class

#include "Rx.LFR/ApiLF.h"
class CApiLF


Static Methods

RxInit(bUseCUDA, sxLibPath, sxCalibPath, pvData)

Initialize the Raytrix API.


Close any open cameras and free all memory allocated on CUDA device and in host memory.


Gets the interface defined by the given interface ID.

RxAddStatusMessageHandler(pFunc, pvContext)

Registers a status message callback Function. This function will be called when a new Status Message is fired.

RxRemoveStatusMessageHandler(pFunc, pvContext)

Removes a registered message callback function.

RxGetReleaseDate(iDay, iMonth, iYear)

Gets the release date of this version of the Raytrix Light Field Runtime. Can be called without initializing the API.

RxSetApplicationDetails(sxAppName, sxAppVersion)

Sets details about the application that uses this runtime currently. Saving a ray file will write this details into the meta data of the file.


Test whether the Dongle offers the given features.


Test whether the Dongle offers a given feature.

RxDongleGetID(iDngID, iRxID)

Get the IDs of an attached dongle.


Returns the number of CUDA devices installed.

RxCudaDeviceProp(iDevice, sxName, iCCMajor, iCCMinor)

Get the name and the compute capability major and minor version for a CUDA device.


Select a CUDA device.

RxCudaDeviceMemInfo(nFreeMem, nTotalMem)

Return free and total amount of memory on the selected CUDA device.


Register available cameras.


Opens the given camera. Camera settings can only be accessed after a camera has been opened. The first call to open initializes the camera too.


Closes the given camera. If the given camera is currently bound, the camera is unbound before closing. Also, if the camera is in capture mode, the capturing is stopped before unbinding.


Binds the given camera to the returned API image ID. Call RxCamUnBind to unbind the bound camera. Only one camera can be bound. Calling Rx::LFR::CApiLF::RxCamBind with another camera index results in an Rx::CRxException.


Unbinds a currently bound camera. If the bound camera is still capturing images, the capturing is stopped and then the camera is unbound.


Prepares the currently bound camera for capturing images. If the currently bound camera is already in capture mode, then the function throws an exception.


Stops capturing of the currently bound camera. If the camera is not in capture mode, the function simply returns without error.


Suspend capturing images on the currently bound camera.


Triggers capturing of a single image of the currently bound camera. The image can be retrieved by calling Rx::LFR::CApiLF::RxCamRetrieveImage.


Retrieve a single image from the currently bound camera.

RxCamRegisterImageCallback(pFunc, pvContext)

Register a callback function which is called when a new image is available.


Remove the image callback function.


Creates a new calibration database for the currently bound camera.

RxCalibDBCreateDataBaseForCamera(uCamIdx, bForce)

Creates a new calibration database for camera with ID uCamIdx.

RxCalibDBCreateDataBase(sxCamHardwareId, bForce)

Creates a new calibration database for the camera with the HardwareID sxCamHardwareId.

RxCalibDBNewCalib(sxNewGUID, sxCamHardwareId)

Creates a new calibration for the camera with the HardwareID sxCamHardwareId and returns the GUID of the newly created calibration in sxNewGUID.

RxCalibDBCameraNewCalib(sxNewGUID, uCamIdx)

Creates a new calibration for the camera with index uCamIdx and returns the GUID of the newly created calibration in sxNewGUID.


Creates a new calibration for the currently bound camera and returns the GUID of the newly created calibration in sxNewGUID.


Deletes camera calibration with GUID sxGUID.

RxCalibDBBindCalib(sxGUID, bApplyGrayImage)

Applies the camera calibration defined by GUID sxGUID to the currently bound image in API. Also updates the computational class.


Applies the currently bound camera calibration to the currently bound image in API. Also updates to the computational class.


Gets the calibration from current bound image and saves it to the calibration defined by GUID sxGUID Also saves database to disk.


Gets the calibration from current bound image and saves it to current calibration. Also saves database to disk.


Gets a Rx::CRxArrayString which contains GUIDs of all calibrations on this computer.

RxCalibDBGetCameraCalibGuidList(asxGUIDs, uCamIdx)

Gets a Rx::CRxArrayString which contains unique IDs of all calibrations for the camera with given index uCamIdx.


Gets a Rx::CRxArrayString which contains GUIDs of all master calibrations on this computer.

RxCalibDBGetCameraMasterCalibGuid(sxGUID, uCamIdx)

Gets a Rx::CRxString which contains the GUID of the master calibration of the camera with the given Index.

RxCalibDBLoadCalibMetaData(xCalibData, sxGUID)

Gets Rx::CRxCalibMetaData for the calibration with given GUID sxGUID.


Gets the last applied calibration data.

RxCalibDBSaveCalibMetaData(xCalibData, sxGUID)

Sets Rx::CRxCalibMetaData for calibration with given GUID sxGUID.


Sets calibration data to the last applied calibration.

RxCalibDBBindCalibGrayImage(uRayHandle, sxGUID)

Bind gray image of calibration to API and use this image as gray image too. Now you can calibrate a calibration without using a camera.

RxCalibDBAssignGrayImageToBoundCalib(sxGUID, bLoadGrayImg)

Assign the gray image of the calibration with the given GUID to the bound calibration. This copies the gray image.

RxCamIsParameterSupported(ePar, uCamIdx)

Test whether a camera parameter is supported by the camera with the given Index.


Test whether a camera parameter is supported by the currently bound camera.

RxCamGetPar(uCamIdx, ePar, sxValue)

Get the value of a camera parameter of type Rx::CRxString.

RxCamGetPar(uCamIdx, ePar, uValue)

Get the value of a camera parameter of type unsigned integer.

RxCamGetPar(uCamIdx, ePar, dValue)

Get the value of a camera parameter of type double.

RxCamGetPar(uCamIdx, ePar, aValue)

Get the value of a camera parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayString.

RxCamGetPar(ePar, sxValue)

Get the value of a camera parameter of type Rx::CRxString from the currently bound camera.

RxCamGetPar(ePar, uValue)

Get the value of a camera parameter of type unsigned integer from the currently bound camera.

RxCamGetPar(ePar, dValue)

Get the value of a camera parameter of type double from the currently bound camera.

RxCamGetPar(ePar, aValue)

Get the value of a camera parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayString.

RxCamSetPar(uCamIdx, ePar, sxValue)

Set the value of a camera property of type Rx::CRxString from the camera with the given index.

RxCamSetPar(uCamIdx, ePar, uValue)

Set the value of a camera property of type unsigned integer from the camera with the given index.

RxCamSetPar(uCamIdx, ePar, dValue)

Set the value of a camera property of type double from the camera with the given index.

RxCamSetPar(ePar, sxValue)

Set the value of a camera property of type Rx::CRxString from the currently bound camera.

RxCamSetPar(ePar, uValue)

Set the value of a camera property of type unsigned integer from the currently bound camera.

RxCamSetPar(ePar, dValue)

Set the value of a camera property of type double from the currently bound camera.

RxCamGetParRange(uCamIdx, ePar, uMin, uMax)

Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type unsigned integer from the camera with the given Index.

RxCamGetParRange(uCamIdx, ePar, dMin, dMax)

Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type double from the camera with the given index.

RxCamGetParRange(uCamIdx, ePar, auValues)

Get a set of available values for a parameter of type unsigned integer from the camera with the given index.

RxCamGetParRange(ePar, uMin, uMax)

Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type unsigned integer from the currently bound camera.

RxCamGetParRange(ePar, dMin, dMax)

Get the parameter range of a camera parameter of type double from the currently bound camera.

RxCamGetParRange(ePar, auValues)

Get set of available values for parameter of type unsigned from the currently bound camera.


Create a new ray image.


Load a ray image.


Delete the image with the given handle.

RxRaySave(uRayHandle, sxFilename, bUpdateMetaData)

Saves the given light field image to the given file.

RxRaySave(sxFilename, bUpdateMetaData)

Saves the bound light field image to the given file.

RxRayCalibSaveXML(uRayHandle, sxFilename)

Save calibration data of ray image in XML format.

RxRayCalibXmlGet(uRayHandle, sxXml)

Get the calibration data of the given ray image as XML string.


Gets the pointer to the internal camera format.


Bind a ray image to perform computations on.


Unbind the currently bound ray image.

RxRayGetFormat(uRayHandle, xF)

Get the image format of a ray image.


Gets the image timestamp of the given light field image. Is 0 if the image hasn't a valid timestamp. You can use this timestamp and the timestamp of another camera or sequence frame to determine the time between them.


Gets the image timestamp of the bound light field image. Is 0 if the image hasn't a valid timestamp. You can use this timestamp and the timestamp of another camera or sequence frame to determine the time between them.


Gets the frame ID of the given light field image. Used when working with sequences or cameras.


Gets the frame ID of the bound light field image. Used when working with sequences or cameras.

RxRayGetRaw(uRayHandle, xRawImage)

Get the ray image as Rx::CRxImage instance.

RxRayGetMetaData(xMetaData, uImgID)

Get meta data of a ray image.


Get the meta data of the bound ray image.

RxRaySetMetaData(uRayHandle, xMetaData)

Set meta data of a ray image.

RxRaySeqOpen(sxFilename, uMode, uFrameBufferCount)

Open a ray sequence. Depending on the mode a ray sequence can be opened for reading or writing.


Close a ray sequence.


Bind a ray sequence for use by other API functions.


Determines if a sequence is bound for reading to the API.


Unbind a ray sequence. If a ray sequence in write mode is unbound, the currently bound ray image stays bound. No more images can be written to the ray sequence once it has been unbound, however, the ray sequence has not been closed. It can be bound again to write further ray images to it.


Read a frame from the currently bound ray sequence.


Write currently bound ray image to currently bound ray sequence.


Get number of frame buffers in use.


Receive ray sequence frame count.


Get number of frames in ray sequence that is currently bound in read mode.

RxRaySeqGetFileSize(uRaySeqHandle, uFileSize)

Get the total file size of the ray sequence in bytes.


Get the current frame index of the given ray sequence.

RxRaySeqSetFrameIndex(uRaySeqHandle, uFrameIdx)

Set the current frame index of the given ray sequence.


Get the doubleshot mode used when recording the given sequence.

RxSetPar(ePar, uValue)

Sets the value of a parameter of type unsigned.

RxGetPar(ePar, uValue)

Gets the value of a parameter of type unsigned.

RxGetParRange(ePar, uMin, uMax)

Get the value range of a parameter of type unsigned.

RxGetParName(ePar, sValue)

Get the string representation of a parameter.

RxGetParProperties(ePar, sValue, bReadAccess, bWriteAccess, eParameterType)

Get the Properties of a parameter.

RxSetPar(ePar, uValue)

Sets the value of a parameter of type unsigned.

RxSetPar(ePar, dValue)

Sets the value of a parameter of type double.

RxSetPar(ePar, sValue)

Sets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxString.

RxSetPar(ePar, auValue)

Sets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayUInt.

RxSetPar(ePar, adValue)

Sets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayDouble.

RxSetPar(ePar, asValue)

Sets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayString.

RxGetPar(ePar, uValue)

Gets the value of a parameter of type unsigned.

RxGetPar(ePar, dValue)

Gets the value of a parameter of type double.

RxGetPar(ePar, sValue)

Gets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxString.

RxGetPar(ePar, auValue)

Gets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayUInt.

RxGetPar(ePar, adValue)

Gets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayDouble.

RxGetPar(ePar, asValue)

Gets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayString.

RxGetParRange(ePar, uMin, uMax)

Get the value range of a parameter of type unsigned.

RxGetParRange(ePar, dMin, dMax)

Get the value range of a parameter of type double.

RxGetParRange(ePar, iMinCount, iMaxCount, uMin, uMax)

Get the value range of an array parameter of type unsigned and the min and max allowed number of elements in the array.

RxGetParRange(ePar, iMinCount, iMaxCount, dMin, dMax)

Get the value range of an array parameter of type double and the min and max allowed number of elements in the array.

RxGetParName(ePar, sValue)

Get the string representation of a parameter.

RxGetParProperties(ePar, sValue, bReadAccess, bWriteAccess, eParameterType)

Get the Properties of a parameter.

RxSetPar(ePar, uValue)

Sets the value of a parameter of type unsigned.

RxSetPar(ePar, dValue)

Sets the value of a parameter of type double.

RxSetPar(ePar, sValue)

Sets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxString.

RxSetPar(ePar, auValue)

Sets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayUInt.

RxSetPar(ePar, adValue)

Sets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayDouble.

RxSetPar(ePar, asValue)

Sets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayString.

RxGetPar(ePar, uValue)

Gets the value of a parameter of type unsigned.

RxGetPar(ePar, dValue)

Gets the value of a parameter of type double.

RxGetPar(ePar, sValue)

Gets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxString.

RxGetPar(ePar, auValue)

Gets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayUInt.

RxGetPar(ePar, adValue)

Gets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayDouble.

RxGetPar(ePar, asValue)

Gets the value of a parameter of type Rx::CRxArrayString.

RxGetParRange(ePar, uMin, uMax)

Get the value range of a parameter of type unsigned.

RxGetParRange(ePar, dMin, dMax)

Get the value range of a parameter of type double.

RxGetParRange(ePar, iMinCount, iMaxCount, uMin, uMax)

Get the value range of an array parameter of type unsigned and the min and max allowed number of elements in the array.

RxGetParRange(ePar, iMinCount, iMaxCount, dMin, dMax)

Get the value range of an array parameter of type double and the min and max allowed number of elements in the array.

RxGetParName(ePar, sValue)

Get the string representation of a parameter.

RxGetParProperties(ePar, sValue, bReadAccess, bWriteAccess, eParameterType)

Get the Properties of a parameter.


Saves all writable API parameter to file. Its mandatory to bind a light field image before.


Loads all writable API parameter from file. Its mandatory to bind a light field image before.


Resets all parameters to their default value.

RxConvertImage(xDstImage, xSrcImage, eDstPixelType, eDstDataType)

Convert a Rx::CRxImage to a new pixel and data type.

RxGetImage(eImgID, xImage)

Get an internal image.

RxSetImage(eImgID, xImage)

Set an internal image.


Test whether an internal image is valid.


Frees memory used by the image defined in eImgID. This invalidates the image.

RxGetImageFormat(eImgID, xF)

Get the image format of an internal image.

RxGetImageDevicePointer(eImgID, pDevicePtr)

Get the device pointer of an internal image.


Gets device pointer pitch, which is the width in bytes of the allocation. Given a row and column of an array element of type T, the address is computed as:

RxResizeImage(xDstImage, xSrcImage, iDivider)

Resize an image.

RxGetImageMinMax(eImgID, uChannel, fMin, fMax)

Finds the minimum and maximum value of the given eImgID.

RxGetImageHistogram(eImgID, xHistogram, uChannels)

Calculates the histogram of the image with the given eImgID and stores the histogram data in the given array. This array must be large enough to hold 4 * 256 numbers. The number of calculated channels is returned in uChannels.

RxProject(adTrgPoints, adSrcPoints, eTrgSpace, eSrcSpace)

Projects an array of points from the given source space into the given target space.


Locks the CUDA Mutex.


Unlocks the CUDA Mutex.


Automatically calibrates MLI grid.


Automatically calibrates MLA grid. Requires Internal dongle feature.


Automatically calibrates the MLA rotation steps and the MLA reflection. Requires Internal dongle feature.


Enables or disables a callback during automatic grid calibration via RxGridCalibrateMli, RxGridCalibrateMla and RxGridCalibrateMaster.


Pre-Process a ray image.


Show a lens grid overlay on the raw ray image.


Focus image to a plane perpendicular to the optical axis, i.e. parallel to the image plane.


Focus on a depth surface.


Creates a multi view image and stores the result in the image with the ID LFR::EImage::Multiview_ViewCamera.


Estimates the depth of the bound ray image and stores the result in the image with the ID LFR::EImage::DepthRay.


Object space depth 3D.


Colorizes the depth map created by Rx::LFR::CApiLF::RxDepthMap.The result is stored in the image with the ID LFR::EImage::Depth3D.

RxSaveDepth3dMesh(sxFilename, bUseVD, dMaxEdgeLength)

Saves the 3D mesh provided by image 'Depth3D' to binary STL format. This requires a valid image computed by Rx::LFR::CApiLF::RxDepth3D. Triangles with a depth-variation larger than 'dMaxEdgeLength' for at least one vertex pair are not added to the mesh.

RxSaveDepth3dMesh(sxFilename, bUseVD, dMaxEdgeLength, dCropLeftPerc, dCropRightPerc, dCropTopPerc, dCropBottomPerc)

Saves the 3D mesh provided by image 'Depth3D' to binary STL format. This requires a valid image computed by Rx::LFR::CApiLF::RxDepth3D. Triangles with a depth-variation larger than 'dMaxEdgeLength' for at least one vertex pair are not added to the mesh.

RxSaveDepth3dPointList(sxFilename, bUseVD)

Saves the depth values of the current Depth3D image to the given file as a point list. The used format depends on the file extension given as the target file.

RxSaveDepth3dPointList(sxFilename, bUseVD, dCropLeftPerc, dCropRightPerc, dCropTopPerc, dCropBottomPerc)

Saves the depth values of the current Depth3D image to the given file as a point list. The used format depends on the file extension given as the target file.


Sets the computation filter mask image.


Sets the computation filter mask image.


Removes the computation filter mask image set by Rx::LFR::CApiLF::RxSetComputationFilterMask.


Ray depth initialize.


Ray depth add raw image.


Adds the currently hold raw image to the ray depth merge algorithm.


Ray depth reset images.


Ray depth merge images.