SParticle Struct
#include "Rx.Core.Ex/RxParticle.h"
struct SParticle
Representation for particles estimated in Rx.Flow algorithms. Provides 3D position, quality information, time track ID and involved 2D particles (position and size).
operator==(xParticle) | Equality operator (tests iTimeIndex and iTrackUID). |
iTimeIndex | Time index of image this was detected in. Index in image sequence if applicable, else count over estimations. |
iTrackUID | Unique identifier for track corresponding to this. Track might have length 1, i.e. only this particle. |
vecPoint3D_Obj_MM_g | Estimated 3D particle position in MM in global object space. |
dMaxReprojectionError_PIX | Maximum of re-projection errors to all 2D features. |
dMaxBaselineAngle_RAD | Maximal angle between all lens baselines during matching. Values in [0...pi/2]. A value of 0.8 or less indicates instable 3D position. |
dOverallQuality | Quality measure for 3D particle in [0..1]. Determined by depth, match-count and re-projection error. |
dLuminance | The average luminance over all 2D particles. Determined in blob matching not from pixel array. |
xParticles2D_PX_pxa | Array providing involved 2D particles by position and size. I.e. components (i,0) : position of particle i in image x-axis in PX on pxa (i,1) : position of particle i in image y-axis in PX on pxa (i,2) : radius. |