Namespace: Rx.Net
Rx.Net Namespace
CalibMetaData | Calibration Meta Data. |
ConstNativeExternWrapper | Provides functionality for wrapping a const native type by a managed class by setting the const native instance externally. |
ConstNativeWrapper | Provides functionality for wrapping a const native type by a managed class. |
ExceptionGUIDs | Exception GUID class which holds static members for each exception. |
FPSCounter | The FPS counter class. |
FrameTiming | Frame timing class for measuring the mean time and FPS of the last 20 frames. |
Image | Image class. |
ImageFormat | Image format. |
IniFile | Create a New INI file to store or load data. |
LineStrip2D | A 2D line strip. |
LineStrip3D | A 3D line strip. |
LineStripVelocity3D | A 3D line strip. |
Logging | Logging class. |
MainLens | This class provides members and properties describing a main lens. |
MainLensDB | This class provides members and properties describing a main lens database. |
MetaData | Meta data class. |
MetricCalibResult | MetricCalibResult. |
NativeInterfaceWrapper | Provides functionality for wrapping a native type by a managed class. |
NativeWrapper | Provides functionality for wrapping a native type by a managed class. |
NativeWrapperManagedExtender | Provides functionality for wrapping a native class and extend the managed one. |
NumberFormat | The number format used inside the SDK. |
Particle | A particle. |
RxException | Raytrix exception base class. All exceptions are based on this class. |
StringsWithoutQuotesValueFormatter | |
Unit |
ColorArrow3D | A 3D color arrow. |
ColorCircle2D | A colored 2D circle. |
ColorEllipse2D | A color ellipse 2d. |
ColorLine3D | A color line 3d. |
ColorPlane3D | A 3D color plane. |
ColorPoint2D | A 2D color point. |
ColorPoint3D | A 3D color point. |
Vector2D | A structure encapsulating two double precision floating point values. |
Vector3D | A structure encapsulating three double precision floating point values. |
Vector4D | A structure encapsulating four double precision floating point values. |
EDisplayUnit | Values that represent display units. NEVER CHANGE THESE VALUES. YOU CAN ONLY ADD NEW ONES. |
LoggerType | Specifies the types of logger available. |
LogLevel | Specifies the levels in which a logger can operate, or in which log messages can be given. |
EUnit | |
CorrelationMethodsFlags | Flags for correlation methods used in depth estimation. |
ECamExtTriggerMode | Specifies camera trigger modes that can be used with parameter EPar::Cam_ExternalTriggerMode. |
ECamLoopMode | Specifies possible mode for image looping used by virtual cameras. |
ECamProperty | Specifies camera property IDs that can be used for getting and setting camera properties. |
ECamSetIpCode | Specifies return values of ForceValidIP and SetIPConfig provided by certain camera implementations. |
ECamTriggerMode | Specifies possible trigger modes of a camera. |
EColorMap | Specifies different color maps used for creating color coded depth images. |
EDataType | Specifies possible data types of an image. |
ELFSpace | Specifies light field spaces used in projection systems and algorithms. |
EMultiView | Specifies different kind of multi view representations used when calling Compute_Multiview. |
EOpticalFlowAlgo | Specifies optical flow algorithms that can be used for high resolution particle detection or super resolution. |
EPixelType | Specifies possible pixel types of an image. |
ERuntimeFeature | Specifies all features that are potentially supported by a valid software license. when adding a new feature make sure its value is the next power of 2. |
ETriState | Specifies the three values of a three state boolean variable. |
EValueType | Specifies the data type of certain values. This is often used for storing arbitrary values in binary format. |
Rx.Net.Codec |